Fit Girl Factory, July 12 2019

Basics of a Healthy Diet - Meal Planning

When it comes to planning your meals it’s not as simple or as easy as just writing out your ‘ideal’ meals that you hope you’ll eat during the week! Here are some Fit Girl tips that might help you with your meal planning!

1. Get Some Inspiration

Check out recipe blogs, YouTube videos, Instagram and recipe books. 

Find foods which you will looking forward to cooking and eating. Forcing yourself to eat food you don’t enjoy is not maintainable in the long term. So keep an eye out for meals that you find appealing, but will be easy to recreate and will taste fab.

2. What Suits your Lifestyle?

Next, look at your lifestyle. What resources do you have available at work? At home? Who do you need to cook for? How frequently do you want to cook?

You don’t have to slave away and meal prep a whole week of food. You could always just cook extra dinners and take the leftovers for lunch. Plan a cooking style that fits easily into your lifestyle. If it feels like too much of a chore, change it up and try something new.

3. Stick to a Schedule

Once you’ve decided what meals you will eat and how you will prepare them, write yourself out a weekly or daily schedule, leave room for error, such as a meal out, an ice cream at the beach or a breakfast on the go.

Having a schedule that you can tick off will help with your accountability and will also help you feel more prepared when it comes to getting your groceries!

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Fit Girl Factory

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