Fit Girl Factory, April 17 2019

Exercise in Your 40's, 50's and Beyond!

Approaching your 40's should not stop you from starting an exercise program and you don't need to join a gym or invest in expensive equipment to get started.

At Fit Girl Factory we believe that the best exercise program for older women is one you enjoy and that suits your lifestyle and your workouts shouldn't be  intimidating or time consuming.

Start small and start slow, but make sure you include resistance training, cardiovascular activity, stretching, core and balance training. 

This will help you age as your best self and achieve a strong, toned and healthier you!

Here are four ways Fit Girl Factory can help you find an exercise programme that is  energising, inspiring and fun.

1. Strength Training for Women

Lifting weights as you approach 40 is crucial to prevent muscle loss and keep your strength up. At Fit Girl Factory we include exercises that use all the major muscle groups of your body, which include chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings and abs. We can help you find a challenging weight that will increase your strength quickly but safely.

2. Heart Healthy Cardio

Cardiovascular exercise keeps your heart healthy by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, helps prevent diabetes and weight gain and improves your quality of life through increased stamina and endurance. 

We use cardio blasts that will elevate your heart rate but can be adapted to suit your age and fitness levels. These are great at improving your cardio fast without impacting the joints!

We will aim for an intensity that increases breathing and feels challenging but still allows you to chat.

3. Build a Strong Core

A lack of exercise and fluctuating hormone levels as we age can cause the waistline to expand and the tummy to grow. Training your core will help maintain your posture and balance, as well as keep your midsection tight and toned.

4. Stretching

Stretching is a must-do exercise for over the 40's woman . It's an underestimated aspect of fitness. Good flexibility allows you to have greater range of motion, freedom of movement and relaxed muscles. Stretching corrects imbalances, decreases soreness, reduces risk of injury and improves posture.

Combine these four elements for a really great training programme that will ensure you keep strong, flexible and active with a great metabolic rate that will help you combat weight gain, improve mental wellbeing, balance hormones and reduce stress.

Written by

Fit Girl Factory

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