Fit Girl Factory, March 30 2019

5 Tips for Better Sleep

A crucial function of sleep is to restore our bodies and minds after the day’s activities. During the night, with good sleep, tissues are repaired, organs rest or flush out toxins and the brain filters and processes the events of the day.

On average we need seven-and-a-half hours sleep a night. However, averages conceal large differences and the amount of sleep each person can vary significantly.

Photo by Arash Asghari on Unsplash

Research suggests that over 25% of people in the UK feel that they sleep badly and would like either more sleep or better sleep. When you sleep badly, sleep is shallower, lighter and not as restful.

Here are my 5 Sleep Better Tips to help you get a great night’s sleep!

1. Get comfortable

Find a mattress that is comfortable for you. If you can find a mattress which reduces pressure on your body and therefore stops you moving around, then you are more likely to have a toss-free night. This applies to pillows too.

2. Deal with distractions

Do you get woken up by the sound of a car in the street? Do you have to block out any light coming in through the window?

Do you wonder why other people aren’t disturbed by these things. Quite often it’s our response that wakes us up not the actual event.

Acknowledge disturbances then calmly remove them from your mind. You could also listen to listen to relaxing music or sounds which drown out any noise but also help you drift off to sleep.

If light bothering you at night, invest in heavier curtains to block out the light. 

Photo by Gregory Pappas on Unsplash

3. Stop your mind racing

Do all your troubles and worries flood into your mind just as soon as you get into bed?Stress is one of the most common reasons for lack of sleep or poor sleep. It is important to find methods which relax your mind.

Understand that worries are for day time and sleep is for night time. Write down everything you need to do and everything that is concerning you before you go to sleep and leave these thoughts in your notebook for the next day.

Photo by STIL on Unsplash

Ban electronic devices from your bedroom. There have been many tests that prove that electronic devices in the bedroom or their use just before lights-off reduces the quality of sleep.

4. Don’t count sheep

A more effective method is to use a little bit more mental energy rather than something that is easy and boring boring. For example, counting backwards in threes from a hundred is suggested to be at the right level of mental activity to help you sleep. Anything too hard or too easy will keep you awake.

5. Develop a sleep routine

Your body and mind will respond best if you can establish a sleep routine and perform this routine at the same time every day.

Firstly, you should associate your bedroom with sleep, not a place to work in or to watch television in. Get rid of any clutter from your bedroom.

Photo by Christopher Jolly on Unsplash

Exercising during the day will help your body prepare for that ‘rest and regenerate’ sleep that you need.

Eating late at night will mean that your body is digesting when you are meant to be sleeping. Avoid caffeine at night as it stimulates the nervous system, so no coffee, tea, chocolate or fizzy drinks.

Let me know how establishing  great sleeping habits have improved your sleep.

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Fit Girl Factory

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