Healthy Habits and Getting to Know Yourself!
There is so much on social media about calories, macros and eating deficits, I think it is time we took a step back and looked at the basics, particularly if you’re someone who finds yourself falling off track regularly or just can’t seem to get the results they’re after.
So, let’s do a little reset. Take the example of building a home, you’re not going to furnish it until you’ve built a solid foundation.
So firstly, get to know yourself!!! Are you a plan and prep every day ahead kinda gal or do you prefer
to cook as you go and eat fresh each
meal? This will dictate what and when you shop.
Next, when in the supermarket what do you want to buy? Do you have a list or buy on impulse? Do you stick
to the picking up fresh produce? Limiting the processed and
pre-packaged foods (heavily refined
sweets, fizzy drinks, oven pizzas, etc) will will have a huge impact on your health and healthy eating.
Now, do you understand your portions. Learning what a portion size looks like is important to ensure you’re not overeating. If a serving size on a packet is half a cup, could you accurately eye out half a cup without a way to measure it? Measuring and/or weighing is a really useful tool when you’re just getting started!
These simple habits will be a great step forward in establishing a healthy baseline ‘diet’ for you to work off.