Fit Girl Factory, January 4 2017

It is about you…..

It is about you…..

Photo by Victor Garcia on Unsplash

Now - success and happiness  has a different value to everyone - so identifying what YOU consider success and happiness to be is the first and most important thing to to do!!! 

It is about you…..

So, back to exercise being the foundation of well being and health. What can exercise do for us, why is it so special?

Well, as well as mental and physical health being vastly improved, confidence and positive body image will increase, relationships become happier and self esteem and belief are hugely improved.

Better concentration can get you that promotion, you will be more productive and creative!!

Exercise will make you stronger, able to rise to the challenges that life likes to throw at us all. 

Exercise is a natural mood booster and lowers the risk of many chronic diseases, stress and depression. It is now being shown that exercise can even prevent cognitive decline and increase memory.

Basically, this means being able to get on with your life in the way that you want.

And at Fit Girl Factory exercise brings women together, allowing us to inspire each other, celebrate each other, cheer each other on and create a network of women of all ages, shapes, sizes, backgrounds, careers, hopes and dreams.

Let’s start exercising, ladies!!! Put down this blog and go for a walk…..

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Fit Girl Factory

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